this is a painting of Nana Phadnis house in menavali near wai.The morning painting is done sitting crosss legged on floor .I have a habbit of sitting either on floor or any permanant bench or steps.I dont carry a folding chair ...like many do. have never used eissel either. I just hold my paper pad at an angle on lap and paint.I dont wear good clothes when on outdoor paintings,as inveriably i splash colours on them.!!
This painting is of an house of historical personality Nana.It is crumbling due to non mentainence.I hope heritage commitee does something about it. wood and morter structure is the construction method used in this house.
Nice effect of light and shadow on the house.Is this the same house which Ajay had painted and posted a few days ago?Who are the people in the photograph?Curious onlookers?
Sanjeev, Is this recent painting or done earlier. vey well paited.
Yes Ramesh it's same house
ramesh ,ajay,yes this is the same house,painted last year,using only two colours prussian blue and permanent orange.I experimented in that workshop.The curious onlookers are students of architecture in a sketching workshop i had conducted.My architectural fraternity thinks that i can inspire and teach them sketching and painting !!!
Have you painted the ghats at Menavali? Its an amazing public space with temple, steps and platforms, retaining wall with niches, a paar around tree. Two-three paths from the village simply merge and culminate along the river edge. I wish to photograph it during various daytimes! Would love to see your paintings of this location.
And I always thought your first choice was branded clothes!
hi atul, yes i do wear branded clotes otherwise, but not while painting.cant afford to spoil them!!i will put the ghat paintings on orcut for you.I have about 10 paintings of it.we can go together photos, birds and paintings ...
Hi Sanjeev, beautiful painting - makes me feel all warm again!
I've lost total track of the cricket now!!
hi liz, we finished 4-1 in one dayers and one t-twenty was won by us!aus nz 2-2.
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