I painted/ sketched this historic temple complex this sunday 15 may 2011.In india, temples are not only religious places, but much more than that.In this complex, there is a place for small scale marriges, and other ceremonies like naming of the babies etc.Its also a place for eledrly people to cometogether and have a social interaction.many young ones come and study in the tranquil atmosphere of this temple.And ofcourse painters like us can also sit and do our art.In short, its a great place for all agegroups...
Excelentes trabajos.
Remember that time when Karl Lagerfeld imported a chunk of glacier for the Chanel show in Paris and then Chanel Jewelry showed a collection full of faux fur and what can only be described as yeti costumes? That seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it? Well, it was just six months ago, and now the bags from that collection are available for perusal on Chanel.com. The designs range from useable, reasonable caramel-colored leather bags to wacky faux-fur-tufted creations that are only for fashion’s, uh, boldest individuals. My personal favorite is the ice cube clutch – let us know which ones you like in the comments. chanel bags outlet Even if you don’t count yourself among Chanel‘s fans, you have to admit that there are a few things Karl & Co.
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