there was a demonstration of how to make abstraction from nature,i.e landscape in abstract form.An artist did a painting and some of us tried to do on similarlines...
i just didnot see the point as any landscape we draw is an absrtaction any way.posting something i painted afterwards.
Concrete to abstract and abstract to concrete are always challenges! your fluid and free flowing beautiful watercolors are just about there :)
Nice work Joshi. I have also started doing abstracts from nature after taking some classes. I really like this style of paiting.
I agree. When we paint we are actually abstracting reality at some level. I liked the second one a lot.
Liked the works. The line between a realistic landscape painting versus abstract is indeed a very broad and blurred one...
thank you all.it is said that even a realistic painting is abstract as we just cannot copy the nature as it is.In this case the degree of simplification is more.Thats why new terms now a days are representational and non representational art.Abstract word is is not so apt for nonrepresentational art.
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