Tuesday, March 31, 2009

two gateways

posting two gateways,one modern and other an ancient entrance built in stone .As paintings sketches, i like both.In reality, the old is gold!This was painted on last sunday at Dhom village, 75 Km. away place from my city.

Monday, March 30, 2009

wai- temple town.

i was out painting outdoors in wai on sunday.i mostly sketched watercolours and ink pen drawings,as it was too hot to sit in one place.posting some sketchy watercolours.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

gokhale institute

This is a very famous institute in Pune.Many artists visit this for painting on weekends.The stone building with arches is a tough proposition,so i have taken a simpler frame and tried to show contrasting light plays on building.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

simple objects.

It is always advisable to draw simple objects in initial stages of ones paintings lessons.We all tend to take bigger pictures like monuments ,streeet scapes etc.I am going back in my thought process and painting more of closeup objects now a days.My doors are also the fall out of this phase.this painting is also an attempt to simplify objects and scenes.This one is done very fast too.

Monday, March 23, 2009

few more scrap crops

I was out on this weekend,so couldnot paint.Continuing with yesterdays theme of cropped images.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It is always a big question to me of what to do with my ever growing paintings? Some are good overall,some turn out good in certain areas only.So I have found a way of reducing my paintings ,by cutting them( croping?) physically and paste them on my personal letterhead.I send all my informal notes on such letterheads! All my friends love a piece of fresh landscape stuck on the note!

I also crop them to make smaller frames for gifts.They workout economical and i can utilise my good part of the paintings.I am postong two such images,Approx. 4x 6 inches , but framed in glass,(you can see i couldnot avoid a flash reflection in photos!) which i have gifted to dear ones.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

door 3

one more close up of a door in revdanda.I have fascination for doors,especially old types,i can make a series on doors!...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


this is not a painting and niether a sketch.it is combination.This was done on the spot i Nuara eliya in srilanka last year.i carry red ,blue and yellow tubes with smallest pallette to outside india travels.This is done with the same limited resourses and i call them travel sketches.

Monday, March 16, 2009


After monocromatic paintings ,i felt like posting this colourful painting of a hostel block at college of agriculture.Its buillt in british era and has a majestic touch .Arches and stone are nightmares to depict,...but i enjoyed doing them.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fresh paintings.

I did these paintings just yesterday! hence calling them fresh!

My pallett broke exactly in the middle,making two parts.The right parts hold all warm colours and left all cool and few warm.I decided to use only right side of pallette yesterday as had no time to buy new one.The result is some what monocromatic paintings.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

steps 2

i had posted a painting of steps few days ago,this one is from a different angle but same place.The waterboby is accessed by steps ,and used for various religious functions and celebrations all through the year.This temple complex is in revdanda,konkan.I personally like the graphic and abstract quality in this painting.

Friday, March 13, 2009

after rains

It rained yesterday in my city,though it is summer season.It cooled the hot air and felt fresh.i remembered a painting done long back ,after rains,so posting it.It becomes sunny immediately after rains,so the picture shows wet and clear areas.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

good morning.

I was away to dubai on a holiday for last 4 days,Have sketched urban scenes there, which i might put up in near future.Any way,this one is from revdanda,The house was awashed with morning light,which i have tried to capture.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This was a crumbling house,about to be brought down.Two windows and a morning light falling on it was a temptation i could not avoid.I had decided to take just onw window in picture, but when i started both looked good! So here it is .

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


most of the temple complexes have a waterbody, pond in the premises.The water is accesssed by steps all around.It is used for various rituals and festivals.I found these steps ideal to make a painting of abstract type, well almost abstract.

Monday, March 2, 2009


i was away to a place called revdanda a seaside village.The coastal village has typical houses,dut some wealthy people do have better and different looking houses.All houses have verandahs as the weather is sultry and humid.This is a door seen through verandah,which protects it from sun and rain.i have used orange on walls and door beacause it was painted with these shades only, and looking radiant in morning sun rays.i have done 15 paintings which you will see in coming weeks.size of painting is 11x 15 inches.approx.