I was reluctant to go out on sunday, as it was cloudy and about to rain.Yet i went out to a nearby gokhale institute.The toilet sketch is done because that was the only thing i could paint while sitting under covered
verandah,when it rained.The other sketch is of a porch of the institute.
If you had not mentioned its toilet block, it is good painting to hang in living room
Are your painting schedules like a riaz of a singer or its a spontaneous outburst of creation? Do you get restless if you don't sketch or paint for a few days?
good question atul! i am sketching something or the other due to my work,but for art sketching or painting i am a sunday painter.Every sunday morning it is a ritual for me to paint.I do feel restless if i miss my sunday outing.My trips outside pune give me more time to paint,which i enjoy.It is not a spontaneous outburst for me,but on location yes certain subject can trigger that creative outburst .But going outdoors is not spontaneous ,it is well planned!Every thing i sketch or paint is a riaz for me, as i have yet to start performing!!thanks for your visit to blog on regular basis.
glad to find this blog Joshi! excellent sketches, a smart vission of architecture
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