Wednesday, December 30, 2009

black and white..

I tried using black colour in waterpoof ink and acrylic paints,this sunday at university campus.I have drawn tower so many times that i can draw it withuot looking at it!These sketches are done as an experiment opposit to watercolour sketches,meaning drawing a bigger sketch with black and white. the size of paper is A-2 size.

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry Xmas to all.

This the biggest sketch paint i have tried so far .The tile on my floor is 1feet x 1 feet(30 cm.)
the paper used is exposed ammonia roll.I have used black and coloured waterproof ink.Also used mostly sponge brushes to cover bigger paint areas quickly. it took me 15 minutes to complete this sketch...I enjoyed the process,but not the end result, as i had not attempted big canvass as yet..may be few more of such attempts and end results could be good too. have a look of the process.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A sort of demo

While i sketched and painted ,my office staff photographed the process.I was just experimenting with black and white sketching with a dash of colour.The size is bigger than normal sketchbook,and that was the challenge! can see the result.